The expert silicone rubber compound manufacturer and supplier for ALL silicone needs. Request Quote
At InterSil, we engineer custom silicone compounds that fulfill your company's specific needs, including fluorosilicone, food grade silicone, high temp silicone, silicone sheets and other silicone products. Our technical expertise and experience enable us to manufacture a wide range of silicone compounds with the highest purity, consistency and performance.
- Headquartered in Southern California, we have the capability to swiftly develop and manufacture precisely the silicone product you need.
- We provide both standard and custom silicone products, in small or large order sizes.
- We manufacture our silicone in the USA, use domestic suppliers, and have a best-in-industry <1% rejection rate.
- We're known for our unmatched customer service + unrivaled quality.
- We serve ALL industries - if you need silicone manufacturing services, you need InterSil.
Our silicone products are suitable for virtually any industry. We meet food-grade, medical-grade, military-grade standards, and more.